Saturday, February 28, 2015

In Our Efforts to Avoid It, Have We Become A Nation at Risk?

My brothers and I are children of the "A Nation At Risk" report. The first of three children, born in the baby bust (1973 & 1974) and the baby boomlet (1981), we were the ones the report was "analyzing" and the report was preparing for. We have grown up. We are parents. We have taken on careers, families, and are about to carry the mantle handed down to us from "The Greatest Generation" and the "Baby Boomers." What is this legacy you hand us? In education, we are still grappling with that very question.

Lets see what has occurred after "A Nation At Risk." The calendar did not reform. Many schools are still as set on an agrarian calendar as if we needed to head to the fields each Memorial day. School funding hasn't equalized. We had great debates regarding equity and adequacy. We learned that we can find taxing mechanisms that seem more fair but less stable. Michigan still reels after it's "Proposal A" funding reform which while the auto industry boomed during the first 5 years was fine and has since had 15 years of cuts to the point in which if one wants to become a teacher more often one leaves the state. Professionalization and respect for the teaching profession has not increased. Teachers and administrators are pitted annually with false layers of "unwillingness to change," "lack of accountability," and "satiated by tenure." 

In the last 32 years, we have as a nation have added standards set after standards set, test after test, reduced professionalism in the classroom and added accountability. We are sending the children of No Child Left Behind onto college and into the career world discovering that that are really good at standardized having completed year after year of test prep and wondering why they are disenchanted and disconnected with greater society values. We have stressed accountability in the classroom and demonstrated a lack of accountability in other institutions. They are America's children. They have noticed the gridlock in the legislature, the huge corporate funding influencing their "representatives" and the bailouts of Wall Street. If we wonder why they don't go into teaching, look at their experiences. They want to create and have found that schools were a test prep academy.

In an era of statistical sampling, SABRmetrics, and advanced metrics in life and in sports, only through Federal mandate and state law would we create a system that required annual population data. The census is taken every ten years. Elections accurately predict winners prior not only to every vote being counted but rather most votes being even cast. Yet, each child, third to eighth grade and some high school years, will spend more time this year than any year prior taking standardized assessment. 

The funny thing is despite this journey through education reform after reform, test after test. Inside schools Generations X, the Millennials, and Generation Z have decided to create, to innovate, to grow flowers in the desert. For them, for us, we look at these mandates and ask, what can we do despite the legislature? How can we "right size" this assessment and our efforts to fulfill it? How quickly can we get back to the business of having children explore, create, dialogue, argue, and build? How soon can we be back to coding, genius hour, guided instruction, science exploration, and social-emotional learning? We have received the letters from the Illinois State Board of Education and US Department of Education. Letters from leaders of generations past, reminding us of our legal requirements and the penalties we will receive if we do not comply. And we will be compliant. But do we value the energies of your reform? Will families value these PARCC and SmarterBalanced test scores? Or is this simply an exercise until we get back to the good stuff. We are doing it. We will be compliant. But will we value it, what will it's impact be on this next generation of learners, and is it worth it? What is price tag of our journey? Have we become the Nation at Risk? 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How Do We Measure Growth?

"Value Added" has become the focal point of the newest wave of education reform. How did your students gain when they were with you? Conceptually it makes sense. What achievement level did the students walk in at and what level did they leave at? If we were measuring the height of a student, it would be easy. Have the student stand next to the wall, mark the level they walk in as, mark the level they are at the end of the semester. Voila! The difference is how much they have grown.

When looking at student data, this is much harder. Here are two real examples using NWEA MAP data:
Group 1: Current First Grade Students in Math
        Fall Score - 171.66  RIT Mean
        Winter Score - 181.48 RIT Mean
        Mean Growth - 9.78 RIT
        68% of Students make their target growth
        19% more overall growth than a class of comparative peers in the Fall

Group 2: Current Fourth Grade Students in Math
        Fall Score - 205.73  RIT Mean
        Winter Score - 210.80 RIT Mean
        Mean Growth - 5.07 RIT
        50% of Students make their target growth
        2% more overall growth than a class of comparative peers in the Fall

From the data, it Group 1's teachers clearly out performed Group 2's teachers. They added more value. If only it were this easy. Lets add one more data point:
Group 1: Current First Grade Students in Math      
        Spring Score - 181.30 RIT Mean
        Fall Score - 171.66  RIT Mean
        Winter Score - 181.48 RIT Mean
        Mean Growth (Spring to Winter) - 0.18 RIT

Group 2: Fourth Grade Students in Math
        Spring Score - 205.50 RIT Mean
        Fall Score - 205.73  RIT Mean
        Winter Score - 210.80 RIT Mean
        Mean Growth (Spring to Winter) - 5.30 RIT

Group 1 did a great job this year with what they had. Their students lost a significant amount over the Summer (over 10 RIT points) and they brought those children back during the first semester. Who do we blame for the loss? The six-year old students? Their parents? Their Kindergarten teacher who got them that high? Lack of year round schools? None of these are realistic options. These teachers and children had significant growth but it was earn back growth.

Group 2 also did a great job. At the surface it seemed simply average, but as we look deeper this group achieved all new growth. They cut into new territory and helped their children learn new things because of the lack of regression for these students. 

Growth is vital to our overall achievement but it is more than a pre-post test scenario. It is complex including multiple factors: school, home, teacher, student, parent(s), and society. We need to drive forward and help improve, but when analyzing the data we can't simply set universal bars and say go achieve. It's far more complicated than that and that's ok. Perhaps there is more to growth of a child than simple numbers.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Are Our Children Learning Enough About Whales?

On Wednesday, I spent some time with one of my district's kindergarten teachers. She was spending her afternoon entering assessment data into the computer for the state. It was one moment of about 20 hours she'll spend in the next two weeks in front of her computer moving from child to child filling in ovals on a LCD. On the board was a drawing, far better than one I could have drawn. It was a drawing of a person, standing on the pier with a fishing pole and fish swimming underneath.

Since I was visiting, rather than venting about the assessment data entry, she decided to tell me about the drawing. Apparently in class, she was reading a story and the term fishing hook came up. All but two of her five-year-olds were staring blankly at her. She described putting her finger and thumb into an "L" shape and sticking her thumb mouth as if she were being hooked. The two who "got it" had laughed hysterically, but for her other 23, she was simply building background knowledge.

I think to my youngest son. He's a big second grader now. I can't think of a pier anywhere close to us. He's never been fishing, never had a fishing hook or line in his hand. I'm not sure if he knows it. I'm not sure if it matters. I do know, he needs teachers like this one. One's who make the learning come alive, generate background knowledge through creative artistry, are willing to make a fool of themselves to ensure that children learn. That teacher creates greatness, cultivates knowledge, and makes the why fun.

I look at this new generation of assessments. Long data entry rubrics. Hours in front of stale white and black computer screens answering "rigorous" questions. I wonder, what do we want for out kids. How much basic skills and how much innovation? How much genius hour and how many hours answering digital assessments? We are the only nation that requires each of our public school students to test annually grades 3-8. Our children will spend more time on standardized assessments each year than a doctor spends each decade on their medical boards or a lawyer for their bar exam. Is our goal to have innovators or automatons? Do we want great set of standard skills or a wide range of diverse capacities? Do we need to assess everyone annually or will survey assessment data provide us with the same insight?

Simply, as The Onion critically asked in 2008, "Are Our Children Learning Enough About Whales?"