When administrators talk Common Core, immediately they talk assessment. We aren't learning Common Core because Common Core is good, we're learning it because the hammer is coming, 2014-15, we will be assessed. It will be digital. Are you ready? Are we? Should we be? Will these assessments actually meaningfully measure meaningful information?

There are many good things in the Common Core. Like all documents, it's not perfect. Explicitly, I believe that several of the ELA Anchor Standards broaden our view of literacy. However, this conversation is lost as we focus on the tests. So much effort, energy, and finances are being focused on compliance assessments that the quality learning may be lost. If we think back to final exams. All the studying, all the cramming, all the energy preparing. We took the test. It never covered all that we studied all that we "learned." A tremendous amount of human capital went in. How many of our students remembered that content a week later, a month later, a year later, a decade later? I am sure three of my former students reading this jumped up and shouted "Electronegativity." And that's the point, lets focus on improving learning, adding value, and creating deep understanding. If we simply focus on the assessments the learning will be lost and meaningless.
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