Saturday, June 7, 2014

Taking the Step

Firsts... The first time babysitting a child, the first time teaching a class, the first time speaking to an audience. Things we have seen others do 1000 times. When we walk up and take our shot, we expect ourselves to be perfect. We have an image of how it is supposed to go. We try it, we do it, and with a couple of bumps or bruises we are successful. Then we do it again and again until we have a pattern of success. Show up, meet the parents, the child, do a couple of activities, feed the child, watch a show, put the child to bed, clean up, watch a show until the parents get home, a successful babysitting adventure. Same thing happens with teaching, come in, identify the learning target, access some background knowledge, model the concept, have the kids practice the concept, assess, call it a day. For most its formulaic. A process that becomes routine. One in which individuals identify that "I am a good teacher/babysitter."

For some of us, there is more. It starts small. We look at the world and see something different. We asks a question to someone else. We ask a question to ourselves. We ask what if? 

Together we learn we can make a difference. As individuals we often fail. But when we find others willing to try a new dance, we discover new possibilities. It is through this powerful partnered journey we begin to do what was previously seen as impossible and make it possible. The journey must have support. For some of us this is easy to find. There is an instructional coach there to hold our hand. Listen to our questions and frustrations. Cheer for us when we succeed. For others we search to find that partner. For those with partners or without, there is support. In the age of the digital network there are opportunities to catch and share the energy even if it is not with us each day. Twitter has become the place in education where risk-takers find risk-takers and discover brand new worlds. Free professional development is popping up everywhere in education. Teachers and administrators helping each other through Edcamps, Playdates, and Downers Grove's SAMRi Teacher Camp. This summer, thanks to a dedicated group of risk-taking teachers, Downers Grove District 58 will be hosting it's 5th free professional development and 3rd led by this group. On July 16th, teachers and administrators from all over will come share what they are trying and explore with others ideas to do next. The SAMRi Teacher Camp will be putting it's schedule out next week. It's free. It's fun. It's where one can find that partner to help support them on a journey to new horizons.

It starts ugly. It looks awkward. Others stare at us. They get mad for breaking the traditions. They are upset that we are making them look bad. "Now every parent will want that." "What if the principal expects this from all of us?" "We need to be on the same page." The stone-tossers push us back towards the lowest common denominator. 

We take the risk. We try something new. Alone we step into a much bigger world. It's a scary place. All of a sudden we have the children playing capture the flag in the backyard as we babysit. We ask the children doing 5 math problems in which they screencast their answers instead of completing 1-31 the odds. Instead of reading this week's story we read poetry. The world become's brighter. Others become nervous. For some of us, this is the end of the story. For others, we discover a partner, friend, colleague, or coach to help support us in the journey.

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