Saturday, January 3, 2015

January, a Natural Opportunity for Renewal and Risks

Have you ever wondered, "I wish I had tried that"? This might have been interesting, but I wish I had been able to start it at the beginning of the year with that group of kids, they would have done really well with it. So often in education we are hesitant to try new things at the beginning of the school year because we are afraid that this cohort of students may not have the skills, capacities, or personalities of our previously successful groups. Moreover, we are hesitant to change things during the middle of the year because we are hesitant to disrupt the routine and flow of the class. As such, frequently we end up in a natural cycle of making minimal adjustments rather than leaps forward.

Interestingly enough, although we don't often recognize it, schools are blessed with two beginnings each year. In August, we come back to school, we begin the cycle with a new group of kids and do the dance of getting to know each other again. We learn, we grow, we make mistakes, we rub each other the wrong way at times, and we grow closer together. In January, we have a second beginning. The students return from a two-week break. The calendar year has changed and everyone is expecting some "New Year resolutions" to be changes in our practice. Unlike in September, during this second beginning, we know the children, their strengths, their needs, their personalities, and their quirks. We have had time to reflect on our gains. And now, we have the natural opportunity to take a risk and leap forward. All of the items that are barriers to risk in September are gone now in January.

Yes, change will cause ripples. There will be children confused as the routine and structure change slightly with these new risks. However, there is trust now between teacher and student. There is understanding of who we are and what we are trying to accomplish. And there is renewal, a natural time of year in which we all have reflected and work to make our next opportunities better. Take the risk, jump in, there truly is no better time than now.

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