As we start something new, there are some things all of us should remember. People want you to be successful. Colleagues, friends, and family all wish you to do well. You were brought to the organization for a purpose and to be a difference maker. However, no one thinks you have to do it on day one. It is in everyone's interest that you succeed in your new role whether it's your first day of high school, first day as a teacher, or first day as a superintendent.
It's okay to get to know the lay of the land. All of us spent the days before entering a new school figuring out where our lockers were, what's our schedule, when's lunch. There really isn't a difference between entering the middle school as a student or a teacher. These are things we need to know. Often we all ask questions. In fact it is better to express our questions rather than hold them in and pretend that we know. Colleagues and clients like fallibility, as long as one works to learn and quickly correct the mistakes. Growing from mistakes is one of the best things we can do, whether we are a new student or veteran administrator.
As we start new things is vital that we start and remain positive. In the book FISH!, Stephen Lundin and Henry Paul look into the culture and climate of organizations that make a difference. They note the importance for employees to "choose their attitude." When one chooses a positive attitude, even challenges can be overcome. In our workplace and in all facets of life there are lots of things we can't control. Our attitude and perception truly impacts how we handle obstacles. Its okay to be anxious, nervous, frustrated, and even overwhelmed. However, by keeping a positive attitude, reminding yourself that this is just a stage and you will get through this. Reminding oneself that challenges make us better in the long run. This perspective will help you be successful on the first day and throughout your journey.
August is for many of us a chance to start or restart with a new joy in our work. For both children and adults, inside and outside of school, this is a chance for a fresh beginning. Lets make the most of it.
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