Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Beginning the Journey

In forty minutes the sounds will come. For some, the pulsing beats of a siren. For others, the blaring notes of the radio. A roll to the right. Left eye. Right eye. A roll to the left. Stagger seventeen steps and then it hits. The slow glance up to the mirror and the questions arise:

What will today bring?

Am I ready for this?

Can I do this job?

What have I gotten myself into?

What new thing are we going to have to do today?

Is this worth it?

What difference can I make?

Am I a fraud? Can I really do this?

Will there be a problem at my desk when I arrive?

One hundred minutes later, the journey begins. Each member of the quest begins down the same exact road but sees a different path before them. Each member bringing their own hopes, their own dreams, and their own fears. For this is who we are. For every external moment of confidence their is an inner moment of doubt. For every external moment of doubt their is an inner moment of faith.

Four hundred and fifty minutes later the day will pass. Us a little step further down the path as we realize that for all of our questions, our companions have the same within themselves. Our fellow adventurers also have faith. A belief not that we are already the expert that we imagine that we need to be but rather a fellow adventurer who is growing into the companion we want to have.

And thus the journey begins. Novices and experts, veterans and rookies, companions walking together on a road to becoming something greater than what we are and possibly who we hope to become.

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